
How To Get Grokdrul In Warframe

A noxious mix of polysaccharides and long-chain polymers, Grokdrul is a standard chemical used in Grineer manufacturing.

—In-Game Description

Grokdrul is resource that can be found in Grineer camps on Plains of Eidolon, stored in drums. Grokdrul is also rewarded by Bounties. The higher level the mission you take on the Plains, the more Grokdrul the player will obtain from drums, up to 5 per drum on the highest level missions.

Blueprints Requiring Grokdrul [ ]

Click to view the Blueprints requiring Grokdrul

Blueprint Type Quantity
Archwing Launcher Gear 50
Archwing Launcher Segment Orbiter Segment 50
Boot Trophy Decoration 25
Charc Eel Trophy Decoration 25
Cuthol Trophy Decoration 25
Eidolon Phylaxis x5 Gear 20
Fosfor Blau x20 Gear 5
GaraIcon272.pngGara Neuroptics Component 65
GaussIcon272.pngGauss Chassis Component 55
Glappid Trophy Decoration 25
Goopolla Trophy Decoration 25
Karkina Trophy Decoration 25
Khut-Khut Trophy Decoration 25
Kronsh Strike Zaw 20
Mawfish Trophy Decoration 25
Mortus Lungfish Trophy Decoration 25
Murkray Trophy Decoration 25
Norg Trophy Decoration 25
Pencha Scaffold Amp 60
Phahd Scaffold Amp 60
Plague Bokwin Grip Zaw 20
GrnFourBarrelRifleWeapon.pngQuartakk Primary 75
Rabvee Strike Zaw 35
Seekalla Grip Zaw 20
Sharrac Trophy Decoration 25
Shraksun Scaffold Amp 80
Shtung Grip Zaw 25
GrnUziWeapon.pngStubba Secondary 45
Tralok Trophy Decoration 25
Yogwun Trophy Decoration 25
Total 1,035

Last updated: Hotfix 23.8.1 (2018-09-14)

Trivia [ ]

  • Ghoul Deserters, including the one hidden within Iron Wake, can be seen holding two Grokdrul drums in place of their counterpart's explosive payload.
Resources / Components Edit
  • Starchart

  • Empyrean

  • Miscellaneous

  • Plains of Eidolon

  • Orb Vallis

  • Cambion Drift

Common AlloyPlate.pngAlloy Plate Ferrite.pngFerrite NanoSpores.pngNano Spores Salvage.pngSalvage
Uncommon Carbides.pngCarbides Circuits.pngCircuits Cryotic.pngCryotic
CubicDiodes.pngCubic Diodes Hexenon.pngHexenon Oxium.pngOxium Plastids.pngPlastids
PolymerBundle.pngPolymer Bundle Rubedo.pngRubedo
Rare ArgonCrystal.pngArgon Crystal ControlModule.pngControl Module Gallium.pngGallium Morphics.pngMorphics
NeuralSensors.pngNeural Sensors Neurodes.pngNeurodes OrokinCell.pngOrokin Cell TelluriumMarket.pngTellurium
Research Actuator.pngAntiserum Injector Fragment DetoniteAmpule.pngDetonite Ampule ( Detonite Injector.pngDetonite Injector )
FieldronSample.pngFieldron Sample ( Fieldron.pngFieldron ) • MutagenSample.pngMutagen Sample ( Mutagen Mass.pngMutagen Mass )
PigmentPickup2.pngPigment Eventium.pngSynthula
Navigation AnimoNavBeacon.pngAnimo Nav Beacon CryptographicALU.pngCryptographic ALU JudgementPoints64.pngJudgement Points
NavCoordinateNew.pngNav Coordinate OmegaIsotope.pngOmega Isotope
Special OroFusexOrnamentB.pngAyatan Amber Star OroFusexOrnamentA.pngAyatan Cyan Star • Endo • GranumCrown.pngGranum Crown QuillsCommonPickup.pngIntact Sentient Core JavlokCapacitor.pngJavlok Capacitor
KavatGeneStrain.pngKavat Genetic Code DENitainExtract.pngNitain Extract OrokinReceptor.pngOrokin Cipher Kuva.pngKuva
RivenSliver.pngRiven Sliver SomaticFibers.pngSomatic Fibers SteelEssence.pngSteel Essence
SentientShardSynthetic.pngSynthetic Eidolon Shard VitusEssence.pngVitus Essence Void Traces.pngVoid Traces SpectralDebris.pngSpectral Debris
Common Carbides.pngCarbides CubicDiodes.pngCubic Diodes Titanium.pngTitanium Ticor Plate.pngTicor Plate
Uncommon Asterite.pngAsterite GallosRods.pngGallos Rods Isos.pngIsos
Rare AucruxCapacitors.pngAucrux Capacitors Komms.pngKomms Nullstones.pngNullstones
Special Kuva.pngKuva RivenSliver.pngRiven Sliver AnomalyShard.pngAnomaly Shard
Octavia's Anthem Mandochord.pngMandachord (Mandachord Body • Mandachord Fret • Mandachord Bridge)
The Archwing NavCoordinateNew.pngOrokin Archive
The Jordas Precept BallSpawnerInfestedBait.pngPherliac Pods ( JuggernautChitinousHusk.pngChitinous Husk JuggernautPalpators.pngInfected Palpators
JuggernautTubercles.pngPulsating Tubercles JuggernautBileSac.pngSevered Bile Sac )
The Limbo Theorem NavCoordinateNew.pngProof Fragment
The New Strange ChromaMark64.pngChroma Mark ChromaSignal64.pngChroma Signal ScorchedBeacon64.pngScorched Beacon
Corpus Outpost WildGingerB.pngFrostleaf
Grineer Asteroid MossGroundCoverA.pngVestan Moss
Grineer Forest (Day) ForestDayUncommon.pngSunlight Dragonlily ForestDayRare.pngSunlight Jadeleaf ForestDayCommon.pngSunlight Threshcone
Grineer Forest (Night) ForestNightUncommon.pngMoonlight Dragonlily ForestNightRare.pngMoonlight Jadeleaf ForestNightCommon.pngMoonlight Threshcone
Grineer Settlement GftPlantRuksClawMature.pngRuk's Claw
Grineer Shipyard CobraLotus.pngDusklight Sarracenia
Orokin Moon ZenPitcher.pngLunar Pitcher
Arid Fear CorpusSuperCipher.pngCorpus Cipher CorpusSuperDatamass.pngCorpus Datamass
Sling-Stone Warframe Alpha Corruptor.pngAlpha Corruptor Warframe Beta Corruptor.pngBeta Corruptor Warframe Stable Corruptor.pngStable Corruptor
Tethra's Doom TethraDataFragments.pngTethra Data Fragments
The Pyrus Project PyrusEssence.pngPyrus Essence TremberaEssence.pngTrembera Essence
Nightwave CephaliteResonance.pngCephalite Resonance ZealotDerelictCode.pngZealot Derelict Code
Common Grokdrul.png Grokdrul Iradite.pngIradite Maprico.pngMaprico Nistlepod.pngNistlepod
Uncommon IconCondrocWing.pngCondroc Wing ForestRodentSpine.pngKuaka Spinal Claw
Rare CetusWisp.pngCetus Wisp BreathOfTheEidolon.pngBreath Of The Eidolon
Mining Metals
(Red Veins)
Auron.pngAuron ( AuroxiumAlloy.pngAuroxium Alloy ) • Coprun.pngCoprun ( CopriteAlloy.pngCoprite Alloy )
Ferros.pngFerros ( FersteelAlloy.pngFersteel Alloy ) • Pyrol.pngPyrol ( PyroticAlloy.pngPyrotic Alloy )
(Blue Veins)
Azurite.pngAzurite ( TearAzurite.pngTear Azurite ) • Crimzian.pngCrimzian ( StarCrimzian.pngStar Crimzian )
Devar.pngDevar ( EsherDevar.pngEsher Devar ) • Nyth.pngNyth ( HeartNyth.pngHeart Nyth )
Sentirum.pngSentirum ( RadianSentirum.pngRadian Sentirum ) • Veridos.pngVeridos ( MarquiseVeridos.pngMarquise Veridos )
Fishing Spoils IconFishMeat.pngFish Meat IconFishOil.pngFish Oil IconFishScales.pngFish Scales
Parts CharcElectroplax.pngCharc Electroplax CutholTendrils.pngCuthol Tendrils GoopollaSpleen.pngGoopolla Spleen
KarkinaAntenna.pngKarkina Antenna KhutKhutVenomSac.pngKhut-Khut Venom Sac MawfishBones.pngMawfish Bones
MortusHorn.pngMortus Horn MurkrayLiver.pngMurkray Liver NorgBrain.pngNorg Brain
SeramBeetleShell.pngSeram Beetle Shell SharracTeeth.pngSharrac Teeth TralokEyes.pngTralok Eyes
YogwunStomach.pngYogwun Stomach
Junk GrineerBoot.pngBoot
Eidolon SentientShardCommon.pngEidolon Shard SentientShardBrilliant.pngBrilliant Eidolon Shard RadiantEidolonShard.pngRadiant Eidolon Shard
QuillsUncommonPickup.pngExceptional Sentient Core QuillsRarePickup.pngFlawless Sentient Core QuillsCommonPickup.pngIntact Sentient Core
Event LephantisShard.pngHemocyte Cystolith
Common GorgaricusSpore.pngGorgaricus Spore MytocardiaSpore.pngMytocardia Spore TepaNodule.pngTepa Nodule ThermalSludge.pngThermal Sludge
Bonds AdvancesDebtBond64.pngAdvances Debt-Bond FamilialDebtBond64.pngFamilial Debt-Bond MedicalDebtBond64.pngMedical Debt-Bond
ShelterDebtBond64.pngShelter Debt-Bond TrainingDebtBond64.pngTraining Debt-Bond
Systems Atmo Systems.pngAtmo Systems Gyromag Systems.pngGyromag Systems Repeller Systems.pngRepeller Systems
Mining Ores
(Red Veins)
Axidite.pngAxidite ( AxidrolAlloy.pngAxidrol Alloy ) • Hesperon.pngHesperon ( HespazymAlloy.pngHespazym Alloy )
Travoride.pngTravoride ( TravocyteAlloy.pngTravocyte Alloy ) • Venerol.pngVenerol ( VenerdoAlloy.pngVenerdo Alloy )
(Blue Veins)
Amarast.pngAmarast ( StarAmarast.pngStar Amarast ) • Goblite.pngGoblite ( GobliteTears.pngGoblite Tears )
Noctrul.pngNoctrul ( HeartNoctrul.pngHeart Noctrul ) • Phasmin.pngPhasmin ( SmoothPhasmin.pngSmooth Phasmin )
Thyst.pngThyst ( MarquiseThyst.pngMarquise Thyst ) • Zodian.pngZodian ( RadiantZodian.pngRadiant Zodian )
Fishing Spoils Scrap.pngScrap
Parts AnoscopicSensor.pngEchowinder Anoscopic Sensor TinkDissipatorCoil.pngTink Dissipator Coil
EcosynthAnalyzer.pngSynathid Ecosynth Analyzer Entroplasma.pngTromyzon Entroplasma
ExaBrain.pngScrubber Exa Brain LatheCoagulant.pngLongwinder Lathe Coagulant
MuonBattery.pngBrickie Muon Battery NeuralRelay.pngRecaster Neural Relay
ParallelBiode.pngMirewinder Parallel Biode Rotoblade.pngEye-Eye Rotoblade
SaganModule.pngCharamote Sagan Module ThermalLaser.pngKriller Thermal Laser
VenedoCase.pngSapcaddy Venedo Case
Junk CrewmensBoot.pngCrewman's Boot
Toroid CaldaToroid.pngCalda Toroid CrismaToroid.pngCrisma Toroid LazuliteToroid.pngLazulite Toroid SolaToroid.pngSola Toroid
VegaToroid.pngVega Toroid
Event Diluted thermia.pngDiluted Thermia
Common Ganglion.pngGanglion LucentTeroglobe.pngLucent Teroglobe Pustulite.pngPustulite
Rare Scintillant.pngScintillant SeriglassShard.pngSeriglass Shard
Residue FassResidue.pngFass Residue VomeResidue.pngVome Residue
Tokens DaughterToken.pngDaughter Token FatherToken.pngFather Token GrandmotherToken.pngGrandmother Token MotherToken.pngMother Token OtakToken.pngOtak Token SonToken.pngSon Token
Mining Minerals
(Yellow Veins)
Adramalium.pngAdramalium ( AdramalAlloy.pngAdramal Alloy ) • Bapholite.pngBapholite ( TemperedBapholite.pngTempered Bapholite )
Namalon.pngNamalon ( DevolvedNamalon.pngDevolved Namalon ) • Thaumica.pngThaumica ( ThaumicDistillate.pngThaumic Distillate )
(Teal Veins)
Dagonic.pngDagonic ( PurgedDagonic.pngPurged Dagonic ) • Embolos.pngEmbolos ( CabochonEmbolos.pngCabochon Embolos )
Heciphron.pngHeciphron ( PurifiedHeciphron.pngPurified Heciphron ) • Necrathene.pngNecrathene ( StellatedNecrathene.pngStellated Necrathene )
Tiametrite.pngTiametrite ( FacetedTiametrite.pngFaceted Tiametrite ) • Xenorhast.pngXenorhast ( TrapeziumXenorhast.pngTrapezium Xenorhast )
Fishing Spoils BenignInfestedTumor.pngBenign Infested Tumor FermentBladder.pngFerment Bladder TubercularGillSystem.pngTubercular Gill System
Parts BioticFilter.pngBiotic Filter CranialForemount.pngCranial Foremount DendriteBlastoma.pngDendrite Blastoma
OcularStem-Root.pngOcular Stem-Root ParasiticTethermaw.pngParasitic Tethermaw
PustulentCognitiveNodule.pngPustulent Cognitive Nodule SaturatedMuscleMass.pngSaturated Muscle Mass
SpinalCoreSection.pngSpinal Core Section SporulateSac.pngSporulate Sac WaxenSebumDeposit.pngWaxen Sebum Deposit
Orokin Matrix AnimusMatrix.pngOrokin Animus Matrix BallisticsMatrix.pngOrokin Ballistics Matrix OrientationMatrix.pngOrokin Orientation Matrix
Necramech DamagedNecramechCasing.pngDamaged Necramech Casing DamagedNecramechEngine.pngDamaged Necramech Engine DamagedNecramechPod.pngDamaged Necramech Pod DamagedNecramechWeaponBarrel.pngDamaged Necramech Weapon Barrel DamagedNecramechWeaponPod.pngDamaged Necramech Weapon Pod DamagedNecramechWeaponReceiver.pngDamaged Necramech Weapon Receiver DamagedNecramechWeaponStock.pngDamaged Necramech Weapon Stock

How To Get Grokdrul In Warframe


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